Eric got a gift card from his Grandma Kelly & Grandpa Jim to Walmart. Eric did a great job with his choices. He was able to get a Shirt that came with headphones, a movie(Ghost Rider), 2 benten toys (that came in one package), a big Powerade & a candybar. He was thrilled and I was so proud at how frugal he was. Eric decided he wanted breakfast for dinner tonight. (He choose cause its his bday) He really enjoys the funny face pancakes from IHOP. So, we made it for him.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Eric's Birthday
Posted by Tori at 7:10 PM 2 comments
Labels: Eric
Travelers meet Sam
Our flat travelers, Ginger & Zoroark got to met Sam. Another member of our family. He is a Gecko. Sam was saying hi to Zoroark
Posted by Tori at 7:01 PM 1 comments
Labels: flat traveler
FREE sample of Rachel Ray NutrishJust 6 dog food
Just follow the link for FREE sample.
Posted by Tori at 6:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: samples
Book Giveaway: Chicken Soup for the soul-Just for preteens
Giveaway from Simply Stacie. Visit her site for entry details.
Posted by Tori at 6:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: Giveaways
Giveaway: $50 Lowes Card AND Square Foot Gardening Book
Posted by Tori at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: Giveaways
Giveaway: $25 Sam's Club Gift Card
Visit Coupon Geek for entry rules.
Posted by Tori at 6:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: Giveaways
FREE Splenda sample
Go to Splenda Facebok Page and "like" them and enter to get FREE samples. Entering also puts you in for a chance to win tons of other prizes.
Posted by Tori at 6:27 AM 0 comments
Labels: FREE
Hoo Are you?
You can post them in a new post on your blog. Then come back here and post a comment with a link to your posting. (Not the entire blog just that link) -
Then you can go to Night Owl Crafting and post to join the link party. -
Visit as many blogs as you can & comment. -
And you can add a cute little button to your page from Night Owl Crafting.
I am looking forward to hearing your comments and getting to know you.
Please answer the questions on your blog not in the comment spot.
Have Fun!
Posted by Tori at 5:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: Hoo Are you?
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
FREE Paris Amour Body Lotion from Bath & Body Works
Posted by Tori at 7:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: FREE
Giveaway on "Growing up Homeschooled"

Posted by Tori at 9:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: Giveaways
Giveaways from Blue Cricket Design

Don't miss your chance to win! Enter today! Follow this link to Blue Cricket Design for entry rules...
Good luck and Have fun!
Posted by Tori at 5:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Giveaways
Monday, August 8, 2011
Homeschool Mother's Journal
In my life this week...
Well, lets see. Got tons of stuff to do. I'm working my way through my amazing new Ebooks purchase on Organizing Life as Mom, Blogging & homeschooling. Love it. Its helping me stay so organized, which I LOVE. I am an organizing kinda person.
I've got a menu t plan this week and a grocery list. Gonna try to do some stocking up.
Oldest has a scout meeting this week and youngest is turning 10 on the 10th. LOL. My baby boy is growing up.
In out homeschool this week: The boys are working on lessons this week and will have next week off. I planned this week off cause my youngests birthday is on Wednesday but since his party is Saturday he wanted the week after so he can spend all week with his birthday presents.
We are working on the boys effort, handwriting and sloppiness of their lessons. They have been half ass doing lessons(and chores) and its time to put a stop to it.
Places were going and people were seeing...
This week were going to a scout meeting and Saturday were having friends over to celebrate our youngests birthday.
My favorite things this week is...
My youngests birthday
Whats working/whats not working for us...
The kids have been half ass doing lessons and chores and it doesn't work. We implemented some new rules(or brought back some old ones) and consequences too. They aren't too thrilled about it but they gotta deal with it.
Posted by Tori at 11:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: homeschool mother's journal
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Homeschool Mother's Journal
In my life this week:
Well, its been a busy and a bit stressful week. Monday hubby and I got a coupon from Chilis for a dinner for 2 and decided we'd have a date night. It was nice. No kids. We dropped them off at a friends to go swimming while we went out. Tuesday we had to drive down to Wichita Falls, about 45 minutes away. We do this once a month to visit my dad. This time he decided he wanted to take up shopping since I wouldnt get our food stamps in until the 10th of the month, some new thing the government is doing. We had food covered but when my dad sets his mind to something theres no stopping him. He can be a stubborn man. Well, that took a lot longer than expected since he moves quite slow nowadays. We didn't get home until around 9. Which throws our evening schedule off.
Wednesday we managed to stay home and cook dinner. It was nice. Thursday we went out to CiCi's, not my favorite place but hubbys boss at work takes the guys and their families out there once a month when they make their hours at work. So, free dinner.
And Friday night we were suppose to have dinner and a movie at home. Friday nights are usually reserved for Pizza, take out or some finger type food. We were suppose to have nachos. But the kids upset me so much, then I smashed my finger in the door as we were leaving to go get a movie I told them I wasn't cooking so hubby ordered us Chinese.
Today we have some errands to run and hubby and youngest are going to the races tonight. Tomorrow will be just as busy with me working on lessons.
The kids decided not to do their zone chores this week too. I wasnt very happy about that decision.
In our homeschool this week:
The boys have decided to do half ass work this week and sloppy work. Its really upsetting me. I know they want to finish their lessons and move on but when they scribble color printouts I have printed for them and their writing is unreadable, thats just unacceptable. They had a reward each week for doing good, readable work and completeing their chores. They could get a movie rental when we go to Hastings. But they have not earned that reward since we implemented in two weeks ago. I have to come up with another way to motivate them to do better quality work. They certainly didnt set a good example for our visiting guests, Ginger and Zoroark. (Our flat travelers)
This past week we saw our friend Amy when the kids went to swim at her house, my dad, Hubbys works buddies and boss, and our friend/High Priestess Mary.
My favorite thing this week would have to be when hubby and I had a date night. Its been so long since thats happened. We usually have the kids with us all the time.
Whats working/whats not...well a lot isnt working. The kids not doing their lessons, their chores and me being totally stressed!
Im hoping next week will be more calm and the kids get thier stuff done. But with our youngest turning 10 next week I don't know what kind of crazy week we will have.
Posted by Tori at 7:11 AM 1 comments
Labels: homeschool mother's journal
Friday, August 5, 2011
weight loss progress
I weighted myself this morning and I have lost another 1.8 pounds! Hell Yeah! I love it! I was soooo happy when I saw that number. Its awesome! I am less than 3 pounds away from my 10% goal(30 pounds). I can't believe how this weight coming off. Its just amazing. Its quite simple if I put my mind to it. If I watch how much and what I eat and try to exercise at least 3 days a week. If I'm hungry I eat. I don't stress over anymore. I just watch how much I eat. And I try to work in veggies and fruit into every meal or snack. Eatting more fruit and veg really does help. It makes me feel better. When I slack off too much on the fruit or veg my body so tells me about it.
Another positive thing might be happening. MIGHT. I wont know for sure until the end of the month. And it could just be a one time thing. But I have had problems with my period for a few years. I have had it start and not stop before, twice actually, and nearly kill me. Luckily as it was starting for the third time I found a doctor that knew right away what was wrong with me. I wasn't working properly. My female parts weren't. So he put me in a little white pill, some kind of hormone thing, that I take the first 10 days of the month. It helps me have a normal period. One that starts and stops. Anyways, this month my period started 2 weeks early. I am crossing my fingers that I will stop this one normally and start again in 2 weeks. I know that sounds weird. I mean who wants 2 periods in 1 month? right? Well, I do. At least for now. See, if I have 2 periods one 1 month that means my body is working normally again! And I can stop the pills. So it is a good thing for me. As long as I can stop the pills and my periods stay normal.
As long as I keep up with the exercising and eatting right I should continue to have normal periods. *crossing fingers* LOL.
Anyways, that may be too mch info for a blog but I am an open and honest person. At least I ty to be. I never had anyone to talk to about personal things, still don't unless you count the hubby. No one told me about life or female things. So, I guess I talk about it openly to help other people as well. But thats just me.
Like me or leave me. LOL.
Well, I'm gonna do a happy weight loss dance and then have me some lunch. Thinking of a PB&J today. Yum!
Posted by Tori at 9:09 AM 0 comments
Labels: weight loss progress
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Our boys were in scouts for several years. Our oldest joined as a Tiger and made it all the way through Cubs and into Boy Scouts. But then we got out cause we felt like we were doing way too much. And because we couldn't stand a leader. It got really bad with this leader. We tried switching packs but it didn't work so we eventually left scouts all together. We were gone about a year and half, maybe 2 years. When we returned scouts had gone to shit. At least around here. There are hardly any packs or troops. We finally managed to find a pack and troop and just wanted to come back as parents. Just help out here and there. But no, that couldn't happen.
There are not enough leaders. And 2 months in to the program we ae being sucked back in. Part of me enjoyed it and part of me didn't like the BS behind it all.
We'll see how things play out.
Posted by Tori at 2:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: Scouts
Monday, August 1, 2011
Date Night
Hubby and I had a date night tonight. Thanks to a coupon we got from chilis from their email club. Two margaritas, 1 appetizer, 2 entrees and 1 dessert for $35.
Its been a while since weve been out just the two of us. Quite a while. We have only been out just the two of a couple times since we've been together. We usually do everything with the kids. We're a close family but sometimes its good to be alone with your spouse. I felt a little guilty but it helped that I had a friends older some watch our youngest. They got to go swimming too, so it wasn't all bad. And we might try it again. Maybe even try a movie once with out the kids. If I can keep from feeling too guilty about going to the theaters without them.
It was a great dinner though. And we spoon fed eachother cheese cake at the end. I love my husband.
Posted by Tori at 7:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: date night
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Flat Traveler
We took Ginger to a cub scout meeting today. She had to buckle up for safety in the truck.
Posted by Tori at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: flat traveler
Eric worked on his craftsman activity badge today. He made a shelf and a plague. He's so cute working with power tools. My little boy.
Posted by Tori at 9:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: Scouts
Arrival of my first FREE sample
I got my first FREE sample in the mail yesturday. I was sooo excited. It was from Walmart.
And it was a can of dog food that will probably get fed to my cat. LOL
Posted by Tori at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: samples
Friday, July 29, 2011
Trying something new this week with the boys. I have been fighting with them to write neater, take their time on assignments and not scribble on color pages. They are 13 and 9 and they're homeschooler, theres no excuse. So, this week I decided to make them accountable for thier lessons and effort they put into it. There are rewards for good work and consequences for not so good work. They can earn things like a movie rental for "A" quality work all week and keeping up with their chores. And consequences, like spending their free time studying for poor work. (Depends on subject,etc) I have been trusting my oldest to do his math lessons then check his work and if he needs to redo a problem than he needs to rework it. He has been half ass doing his math. I went back a few lessons and found he has been doing half ass work, skipping the honors section, not checking the work he does and just copying answers for the rest. Lazy, lazy, lazy! I don't care how old he is, its not acceptable!
So, my oldest is now spending the weekend in his room studying the whoe time and re doing his math for the last few lessons. And this will continue until he shows improvement. If his handwritting gets worse he spend his free time in his room working on his handwritting.
I know it might sound mean but in PS he would have consequences for the work he has been turning in and just because he is schooled at home doesnt mean he should do half ass work and not have consequences.
I didn't believe in doing grades before but its something Im starting to use to grade thier work so they can have accountability for it.
This is gonna be hard!
Posted by Tori at 8:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: consequences
Monday, July 25, 2011
The kids are learning about metals this week in science. We use Ellen McHenrys Chemistry and Usbornes Encyclopedia. It talked about an experiment with electricity today and we just happen to have a kit so the kids made a little light.
Posted by Tori at 3:30 PM 0 comments
A new purpose
Someone down the street was just giving away pallets. I saw them and we got them all. After getting them home we discovered they were harder to work with than expected. First hubby and eldest tried to pull the boards off. That didn't work so well. We eventutally came up with an easier idea. My ultimate goal with these pallets is to create planter boxes or raised beds. I want to grow our own veggies so bd but I never have any luck. Anyways, I thought about just cutting out the middles of each pallet then stacking them. It didn't matter if there were gaps cause once it was lined with the black liner it would cover it. Hubby had a hard time imagining it. But we worked it out. And the end result was a nice planter box/ raised bed. Theres basically 2 sides to it, cause its two pallets stacked together then hubby took one of the cut boards and put one on each corner to make sure the pallets are locked together like one big box. And we still have extra wood left so I can make signs, fairy doors or decorate with them.
Posted by Tori at 3:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: garden
yard work
I love to see my guys doing yard work. My hubby and youngest cleared the path that leads off our back porch. It gets covered over with dirt and grass. They scraped it, swept it and lined it with some soalr lights.
Posted by Tori at 3:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: yard work