We took Ginger to a cub scout meeting today. She had to buckle up for safety in the truck.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Flat Traveler
Posted by Tori at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Labels: flat traveler
Eric worked on his craftsman activity badge today. He made a shelf and a plague. He's so cute working with power tools. My little boy.
Posted by Tori at 9:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: Scouts
Arrival of my first FREE sample
I got my first FREE sample in the mail yesturday. I was sooo excited. It was from Walmart.
And it was a can of dog food that will probably get fed to my cat. LOL
Posted by Tori at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: samples
Friday, July 29, 2011
Trying something new this week with the boys. I have been fighting with them to write neater, take their time on assignments and not scribble on color pages. They are 13 and 9 and they're homeschooler, theres no excuse. So, this week I decided to make them accountable for thier lessons and effort they put into it. There are rewards for good work and consequences for not so good work. They can earn things like a movie rental for "A" quality work all week and keeping up with their chores. And consequences, like spending their free time studying for poor work. (Depends on subject,etc) I have been trusting my oldest to do his math lessons then check his work and if he needs to redo a problem than he needs to rework it. He has been half ass doing his math. I went back a few lessons and found he has been doing half ass work, skipping the honors section, not checking the work he does and just copying answers for the rest. Lazy, lazy, lazy! I don't care how old he is, its not acceptable!
So, my oldest is now spending the weekend in his room studying the whoe time and re doing his math for the last few lessons. And this will continue until he shows improvement. If his handwritting gets worse he spend his free time in his room working on his handwritting.
I know it might sound mean but in PS he would have consequences for the work he has been turning in and just because he is schooled at home doesnt mean he should do half ass work and not have consequences.
I didn't believe in doing grades before but its something Im starting to use to grade thier work so they can have accountability for it.
This is gonna be hard!
Posted by Tori at 8:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: consequences
Monday, July 25, 2011
The kids are learning about metals this week in science. We use Ellen McHenrys Chemistry and Usbornes Encyclopedia. It talked about an experiment with electricity today and we just happen to have a kit so the kids made a little light.
Posted by Tori at 3:30 PM 0 comments
A new purpose
Someone down the street was just giving away pallets. I saw them and we got them all. After getting them home we discovered they were harder to work with than expected. First hubby and eldest tried to pull the boards off. That didn't work so well. We eventutally came up with an easier idea. My ultimate goal with these pallets is to create planter boxes or raised beds. I want to grow our own veggies so bd but I never have any luck. Anyways, I thought about just cutting out the middles of each pallet then stacking them. It didn't matter if there were gaps cause once it was lined with the black liner it would cover it. Hubby had a hard time imagining it. But we worked it out. And the end result was a nice planter box/ raised bed. Theres basically 2 sides to it, cause its two pallets stacked together then hubby took one of the cut boards and put one on each corner to make sure the pallets are locked together like one big box. And we still have extra wood left so I can make signs, fairy doors or decorate with them.
Posted by Tori at 3:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: garden
yard work
I love to see my guys doing yard work. My hubby and youngest cleared the path that leads off our back porch. It gets covered over with dirt and grass. They scraped it, swept it and lined it with some soalr lights.
Posted by Tori at 3:14 PM 0 comments
Labels: yard work
Saturday, July 23, 2011
One of the best things about homeschooling my kids and spending time with them is they don't act like normal public school kids.
My boys are 9 and 13 but we have a close family. They actually like spending time with their daddy and me. And even going to museums, family outings, to the park or playing a game is still fun for them.
I am so thankful that we don't have to deal with the teen or boy issues of them not wanting to be around us. It might happen eventually, but I hope not. And i will charish these moments as long as I can.
Posted by Tori at 6:44 PM 0 comments
Labels: Homeschooling
Our Family Outing
We decided to have a family day. Since we FINALLY have a decent enough vehicle. We started the day at Arbys(lunch). I had a coupon for .64 cent Roast Beef sandwiches when you buy a 22oz drink. So, we got lunch for our whole family for $10! Kids loved it! (We don't eat out much) Heres hubby enjoying his sandwich.

Then we were off to Duncan. (About 30-40 minute drive) We drove down the main street and came across a farmers market. We had to stop in and get some fresh fruit and peanuts for the kids.

Then we found a train museum. It was FREE admission!
We ended the day with a stop for dinner before heading home. We got some great pictures and since the admission was free we were able to get kids some small souveniers.
It was a great Day!
Posted by Tori at 6:27 PM 0 comments
Labels: Family
Ft. Sill zoo
Theres a small Ft.Sill zoo here in Lawton. Actually on the Ft. Sill base. Its actually where the base has caught or are helping some of animals. But we can go out and check the animals when we want.
Heres a sleeping raccoon. The porcupine that was captured under our carport.

Posted by Tori at 6:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ft. Sill zoo