Last year I took my boys into an eye doctor that my oldest had been going to since 3rd grade. (A few years) The eye doctor we saw was rude, she would ask my youngest a question and then cut him off when he answered. Then she prescribed my boys bifocals. I didn't agree with her. My youngest was complaining about them hurting his eyes and neither one had problems seeing up close. My oldest has problems seeing far away. So we had to wait a year to get them re checked cause the boys have medicade. So, I too kthe glasses away from them and waited the year. The year came yesturday. We went to a new eye doctor. He was great! He even did magic tricks for the kids. Both the boys ended up with glasses but NOT bifocals.They are both a little near sighted. They have trouble seeing further away. The youngest has a very small prescription and the oldest has a stronger one. The boys enjoyed picking out new glasses. Eric picked out ones that looked like Harry Potter glasses. And John picked some nice blue ones that are little more squared.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Posted by Tori at 9:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: glasses
Me and My boys
I got a hair cut and went shopping at CATO's. I love that store! Me and my little bit. My youngest son. He is a big mommas boy. And a mini me.
Posted by Tori at 9:24 AM 0 comments
Daddy Time
My wonderful Hubby was changing the brakes on my new cadi one day after work this week and our Youngest went outside and just wanted to help. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to capture the moment.
Posted by Tori at 9:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: daddy time
A little treat
Last weekend I ended up cleaning out the garage while my hubby worked on our new vehicles. Usually its his job to do the garage. But I felt like helping him. Good thing I did too, cause I organized his tool box and work bench and all of it. He wouldn't have done that much. I like to organize. The kids helped with this too cause it was mostly them that destroyed the garage, when they go to put things away in the garage and just throw it anywhere that looks good to them. As a reward for all their hard work helping me with the garage I got them an ice cream from the ice cream truck when it came buy. The boys enjoyed them in the front yard. It was a good day!
Posted by Tori at 9:15 AM 0 comments
Erics Model
My hubby and oldest son love to put together Model Cars. So, my youngest has developed an interest in it as well. He got a simple screw together one for Christmas from his grandpa and loved it. We picked him up one a little harder at hobby lobby recently. He had to screw together not only the body but the seats and more. He is so proud of his model. I am so proud of him!
Posted by Tori at 9:10 AM 0 comments
Labels: model
Paper Mache Earth
We started a great new Geography program this week called Expedition Earth from Confessions of a Homeschooler. The kids learned about maps and the continents. They also made a paper mache Earth.
Posted by Tori at 8:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: crafts, Earth, paper mache
May Flower Hat
I found a really cool activity on line. Its a mayflower hat. We used what we had on hand. It called for blue poster board, we had white so we colored it blue for the water.
Posted by Tori at 8:44 AM 0 comments
3-d Maps
I found this really cool book on Amazon when looking for curriculum. Theres a page of info and a map with stand up pieces. Very hands on. This book covers so much History this book can be used for several years.
Posted by Tori at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: maps
Metal Art
Posted by Tori at 8:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: art
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Weekly Follow up 2/14/11-2/18/11
We kinda took the last week off. We had to take my dad to the VA for some tests and thats a day long adventure. My dad lives 45 minutes South of us. Then when he gets here we have to drive 1 1/2 hours north to the VA. Instead of taking off one day and messing up a routine we took the week. Which the kids love and I don't have to check lessons for a week. We all win.
With my boys I can't just say you have the week off. If I do they sit around and ask me 100 times what they can do.
So, we have a fun week. They played all their games this week. They played The Periodic Table game, scrabble, boggle, yahtzee, cards, chess, their DS games, computer games, ps 2 time, wii time and even some outside time. They love those kinds of weeks.
Posted by Tori at 8:46 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Expedition Earth
We ordered our copy of Expedition Earth last Friday and Confessionsofahomeschooler was on the ball. It arrived Monday! We were so impressed by her promptness. We are really excited to get started on this next week.
Posted by Tori at 8:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: expedition earth, Geography
Monday, February 14, 2011
My pretty new cadillac
We finally got a new vehicle. We got a 1986 Cadillac Deville. I know its older, but it seems to run well. I has a few bumps and dings here and there, but its in great condition for its age.
Posted by Tori at 10:51 AM 0 comments
Valentines Day
We fixed the kids a Valentines Day breakfast on Sunday. Complete with Heart shaped pancakes and sausage. We set the table with a little present for each one. A puppy for Eric.
Posted by Tori at 10:46 AM 0 comments
Labels: valentines