This is our first year of doing a Homeschool Valentines exchange. It was tons of fun!
The boys started off by making handmade Valentines cards.
Differnent colors and different styles.

And even tried a new style...

This is Johns weaved, folded card...

They worked really hard on their letters too.

And even addressed some of their envelopes.

After all their hard work they started receiving Valentines in the mail. They were sooo excited. They are getting to use thier "mailboxes"

Then they opened their Valentines. They were beautiful, creative and so nice.

So excited to recieve mail.

A wonderfully creative monkey card for my little monkeys!

We turne this Valentines Exchange into a Geography lesson as well. I printed maps and the kids marked off the states they sent and recieved Valentines.

They thought it was cool to see how many states they could mark off.
Then we decided to notebook our experience. The kids are notebooking their cards, letters ,state info, and stamps from their Valentines.

They are so creative.

And will have memories...
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