This week my oldest completed a lot. He read 2 books for his free reading. This is where he gets to choose what he wants to read. He just has to read a minimum of 1 chapter a day. But he usually reads more. He choose Cat Magic, a boo we found at the library. He finished this book so quickly this week he read another.Sir Lancelot, Where are you? From the Dragon Slayers Academy series. Its is a bit a below his reading level but he enjoys the stories.
For Math he did Pre Algebra. Math-u-See. (One of his favorite subjects)
And he played a little dominoes this week too.
History this week we continued with Colonial Life.
John made a rope bed. 
And stenciled a paper mache box

He read some in Cranky Colonials
And worked on our first pocket for our History pockets 
We also Notebook any papers or art that is left.
We continued with Expedition Earth. (The boys LOVE this)
They learnd about South Korea this week.
John turned all his S.Korea lessons into a lap book. 

And stenciled a paper mache box
He read some in Cranky Colonials
For Science we are studing Chemistry. John did a few lessons in his Elements curriulum and of course enjoyed his Atomic Chef Comic.
He played the Periodic Table Game
And of course Totally Gross the game.
Read a little in Chemical Chaos

And played Learn Science 
John has been reading French Fairy Tales for a few weeks now. This week was Puss in Boots and the Fairies.

And to go with his History study he is reading The Witch of Black bird pond. He should finish next week if he stays on track.
And he put in some time with My Word Coach.
For Religious Studies hes reading To Ride a Silver BroomStick. I think he only has 1 chapter left.
He is using a Learn Spanish curriculum from the local library.
And a Learn Latin from the local Library. When hes done with this Latin he will start latina Chistiana 2. (He completed 1 last year)

Life Skills this week as always consists of helping with dinner, helping with his laundry, stuff like that but for fun he likes to play Sims 3. It teaches he time management, he has to get a job, maintain a house, etc.
He also plays Hot Rod. Its pretty detailed on car parts, motor parts and such. And teaches about money too.
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